Artificial intelligence tool for line restitution, planting failure detection, parallelism analysis, and plant counting.

Discover the advantages of Field Control

  • Make your work more efficient with cloud-based automated result generation.

  • View the generated maps, statistics, and data classification directly from the platform.

  • Store and consolidate the area's history for operational planting quality assessment and generate indicators.

Harvest line restitution

Automatically identify planted lines, generating a georeferenced line map for mechanized harvesting, reducing crop trampling.


Access the rendered map and view the restituted lines over the orthomosaic.


Evaluate statistics on linear meters, number of lines, and the average length of each line.


Download the lines for mechanized harvesting with autopilot.

Planting failures

Automatically detect, categorize, and quantify planting failures, generating important performance indicators and supporting decision-making.


Access the map and view georeferenced planting failures over the orthomosaic.


Interact with the results by analyzing failure statistics in linear meters and as a percentage of the total mapped area or by plot.


Download the results in a shapefile.

Parallelism map

Analyze the spacing quality between Sugarcane planting lines, obtaining indicators of interline parallelism uniformity and areas with potential trampling risk.


Access the map and view the planting sections with poor line spacing quality.


Analyze the statistics of sections with categorized deviation from the expected spacing, as well as the estimated potential productivity loss due to trampling during harvesting.


Download the results in a PDF report.

Plant counting

Get a quick and accurate estimate of the number of plants and identification of replanting points in a georeferenced manner.


View the results of plant identification and counting, average plants per hectare, and the number of replanting points.


Analyze the obtained data to implement corrective actions, survival analysis, and replanting operations.


Download the data to check problematic areas and zones with lower survival rates in the field.

See the main features of Field Control

PDF reports

Download georeferenced results in shapefile format

Ideal spacing deviation index (%) trampling risk

Planting Failure Classes

Escolha seu plano ideal

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1 visualizador + 1 operador

Acessos simultaneos

Exportação para monitores

Compartilhamento de mapas

Importação de limites (shp, kml, geojson)

Processamento de dados GPS de maquinários


Imagens por processamento

Integração com plataformas de conectividade

Cálculo volumétrico

Relatório em PDF com logomarca customizado


Pequenas empresas e
prestadores de serviços

1 visualizador + 1 operador


Até 2.000

R$ 750/mês

cobrado anualmente


Pequenas empresas e
prestadores de serviços

1 visualizador + 1 operador


Até 4.500

R$ 1500/mês

cobrado anualmente


Pequenas empresas e
prestadores de serviços

1 visualizador + 1 operador


Até 4.500

R$ 2800/mês

cobrado anualmente


Grandes grupos

1 visualizador + 1 operador

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